Slither Demon Fridge Magnet
Slitherdemons never start a fight that they can't win. They always have an edge and an angle. Only an idiot bets against a Slitherdemon. And, they have the coolest bikes. Wear the green and silver, the colors of of cunning and ambition. Put it on your fridge.
Slitherdemons never start a fight that they can't win. They always have an edge and an angle. Only an idiot bets against a Slitherdemon. And, they have the coolest bikes. Wear the green and silver, the colors of of cunning and ambition. Put it on your fridge.
Slitherdemons never start a fight that they can't win. They always have an edge and an angle. Only an idiot bets against a Slitherdemon. And, they have the coolest bikes. Wear the green and silver, the colors of of cunning and ambition. Put it on your fridge.